
We connect members of the department with community partners through innovative and collaborative programs and services. Our goal is to offer comprehensive learning opportunities through outreach activities that allow us to share our knowledge and expertise with the larger community. 




We help children to envision themselves as scientists. We encourage adults to see themselves as lifelong learners.


We want others to appreciate how scientific discovery, 心理科学, and neuroscience help us gain insight into ourselves and the world.


We look forward to hearing how we can partner with you.



Members of our department can visit your preschool or elementary school and conduct hands-on activities to help children learn about the brain. Depending on the age of the children and the time allotted, activities might include:

  • sculpting brains from clay (and learning about different lobes of the brain)
  • making pipe-cleaner neurons (and learning about how brain cells communicate with one another)
  • egg drop (vegan alternative available) (and learning about importance of head protection)
  • tracing drawings of neurons and learning about Santiago Ramon y Cajal 
  • 读一本适合年龄的关于大脑的书
  • 教孩子们一首神经科学摇篮曲

为中产 & 高中生

适合初高中学生, we typically combine interactive presentations and hands-on demonstrations. 最近的例子包括:

  • 在一次高中集会上讲话, giving students tips to help them study more effectively, and afterwards providing opportunities for them to participate in some mini-experiments to better understand how their memory works.

  • Talking with middle schoolers about the importance of sleep for their mental as well as physical health, 向他们展示监测睡眠的不同方法, from a clinical polysomnography system to a smartphone application.

  • Talking with high school juniors and seniors on “career day” about what a scientific career in academia is like.

我们也很高兴成为实验室的合作伙伴! If you have planned a dissection or other laboratory for students to learn about the nervous system, we can be there to answer student questions in real-time as they complete the laboratory.


We love visiting different college campuses to talk about psychology and neuroscience! 例如:

  • If you’re hosting a movie night and choose a movie with a theme related to psychology or neuroscience, we can give a talk about the science depicted onscreen. 我们讨论了从科幻电影开始的所有事情 黑暗的城市 迪士尼/皮克斯的电影 内而外. 
  • If you’d like to inspire students to prioritize sleep, 或运动, we can come and talk about the importance of these and other lifestyle factors for mental health. 

  • We are prepared to talk with students about addiction, and the effects of alcohol and drugs on brain function and brain development.  



每年夏天, we host an Intergenerational Science Social (supported by funding from the National Science Foundation). 我们有一个小的海报会议, where you can learn from our researchers; see demonstrations of some of the tasks and equipment we use in our experiments; and plenty of time to just chat with others interested in 心理科学 and neuroscience. It’s a great time to bring the family—we love seeing grandparents show up with their grandkids!


We also regularly visit senior centers and retirement villages. We work with you to identify the topics that you think would be of most interest.  We encourage individuals to be lifelong learners and seek to give them science-based knowledge and tips that can be leveraged in their daily life.


  • A discussion of how the mind and brain change with aging
  • Tips for those re-entering school, or making a career transition, later in life


Members of our department hold expertise in a range of topics, and give talks on topics such as:

  • 犬类认知(狗如何思考)
  • Cognitive development in childhood (how children learn)
  • 道德与美德
  • 睡眠与认知
  • 人类的记忆
  • 衰老的心智和大脑
  • 晚年学习者

Please contact us if you’re interested in scheduling a talk on any of these topics. Or, 如果你有其他想法, please let us know—we may have someone with the requisite expertise! 


We are delighted to partner with PK–12 educators in whatever ways would be helpful to you. 例如: 

  • We can help you develop effective demonstrations for a particular age group and class size.

  • 我们可以作为客座演讲者参观你们的教室.

  • 在很多场合, we’ve first come into a school to talk with the students about the importance of sleep, 或者是关于如何更好地记忆的建议, and then been asked back to speak with the teachers and staff (and sometimes also parents) on these topics. 


We enjoy speaking with small teams or with large groups of employees. 例子包括:

  • Helping to motivate your team to prioritize self care, speaking about the science-based evidence for the importance of sleep, 锻炼, or other topics of particular interest to your team.

  • Talking about why memory sometimes fails us and providing tips for how to remember information better.  

  • Discussing ways to harness age-related changes in cognition to maximize the benefits that can come from having an inter-generational team.   


我们可以安排参观电子游戏正规平台实验室. We generally find that this works best with small groups of students, typically 6th grade or above. 学生们可以通过脑电图看到自己的脑电波, 用眼动仪追踪他们的目光, 或者看看我们如何在睡眠实验室记录睡眠.